Thursday, April 28, 2016

Currently Loving: Rae Dunn Clay

I have not done a post like this yet but the "currently loving" segment is definitely one that I wanted to include on the blog. Disclaimer: I never love anything expensive but once I find something that is part of a "collection" I usually try to find as many as I can. A few months ago, I found some Rae Dunn mugs at TJ Maxx and fell in love. They are the simplest things but they make a huge statement. I have since collected lots more (especially the holiday themed ones...surprise surprise). Thank you TJ Maxx, Home Goods, and Marshalls! Most of the time I go into any one of those stores I find another piece that I love. Best part? They're cheap and huge! These mugs are all about 4 inches tall and vary a lot physically because they are all hand-made and unique. The mugs run for $3.99 at those stores and the other item's (like the teapot, butter dish, etc) usually run from $6-$20. None of it is pricey (especially when you're like me and only find a couple pieces at a time) but all of it is cute!

These are the mugs that I have out at all times in our kitchen. People might think I am absolutely ridiculous for loving coffee mugs so much when I don't really drink coffee. My response to that is...yes. Yes I am. Although to be fair, the hubs and I use all our mugs for hot chocolate almost daily. Oh yes, we're aware we're children.

Each piece in her collection is either white or cream and features (typically) one word in black, simple lettering. Examples include: Gulp, Sip, Drink, Create, Dream, Yum (and even silly ones) like Selfie, and #Hashtag. I also have a problem with tea sets (you know've seen my dining room). When I saw this in Home Goods I knew I had to have it...and of course, the butter dish. I mean come on how cute is that? Thank goodness for gift cards! I left the store feeling, "Home Goods Happy" that's for sure.

You also know good and well by now that I LOVE Holidays and having holiday themed anything is my favorite. SO, it should come as no surprise that I have sets of these awesome mugs for just about every holiday they make 'em for. Once again, thank you Home Goods, Marshalls, and TJ Maxx. If you go early enough in the season, they always have the biggest selection/best stuff. Plus it's cheap! Here we have:

Valentine's Day:




and of course, Christmas:

Basically, (if it isn't painfully obvious) I love the stuff and I am not afraid to admit it. I don't really have a link to buy simply because...I buy these at the kind of stores that don't have a consistent inventory and buying these babies at full retail price is ridonkulous. So, keep your eyes peeled at Marshalls, Home Goods, and TJ Maxx and you will have your own collection going in no time! 

Just as a random side is the link to purchase the mug rack featured in all my pictures. This one is the white version because they don't currently have the one like mine on the website but I know you can find it in pretty much any of their stores! 

 It is a steal from World Market. I <3 World Market big time. I actually even used a coupon on mine so I think it ended up being around $12. I love it and use it as a decorative as well as functional piece in my kitchen. That combo is always unbeatable. Thanks for reading. Happy almost Friday!

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